Monday, May 5, 2008

Ryder John Haustein

Ryder loves to go into the craft room and sit at the table and pretend to paint and color like the big kids do. I had the room blocked for a while until he figured out how to climb over. :) !!! So now the craft room is fair game!!!
He's a busy 13month old, still not walking seriously, but takes a few more steps each day. I think that he doesn't want to walk he wants to start out running!! He is so busy and into everything!!! He is a very funny kid and makes lots of different facial expressions for his different moods. He can roar like a dinosaur (thanks to Jacob and their dino time playing), bark like a dog, teet teet like a bird ( so cute, when you ask him what a birdie says). Everytime we go outside he points to the dogs and say's SIT STAY, (In his stern voice, this is sooooo cute). He sign's all done, wash and more. He clicks his tongue to let you know he is hungry, and say's dink when he is thirsty. I have switched him to cloth diapers, he had a horrible rash that would not go away, now it is gone and I am trying to become more environmentally friendly so we are sticking with the cloth. I used them for a little while with Meagan, ( I pinned them on and etc...) but with Ryder I got the Bummis wrap, so you lay the cloth diaper in and snapped the diaper on, very easy!!!

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