Thursday, November 1, 2007


This seems to be the way my days are going right now. I feel like I am stuck in slow motion while everything around me is at warp speed. It has taken me 2 weeks to get the clutter off of my counter top ( yes, this is true... I am not the organized person I want to be, in my mind I am though so I should get partial credit for that). So I had the clutter off the counter and then the kids get home.... and it all starts again. I get one room cleaned and stop to admire the sparkle, and then I blink and it's a disaster again. I think I have Meagan's homework mastered :) ( 1st grade is not what it used to be!!! I was trying to help her do her homework, and she was fighting me all the way and she told me, "this makes me think you were never in 1st grade" I let her father help her finish) and she comes home with a whole new set of problems. She has also decided she is ready to be a teenager, and we are not very "cool" a lot of the time, but, then the next moment she is in our laps for a cuddle, ( I cherish those moments, they seem to be getting few and far between,). Jacob has decided to throw me for a loop lately with his temper tantrums ( I thought he outgrew these!!!). We went to the Dentist the other day and he decided this was not where he wanted to be or what he wanted to be doing, he had the biggest tantrum (in public) that he has ever had right there in front of the dentist and staff, I was so embarrassed and very ,very, angry, needless to say he did not get his teeth cleaned but he did get reminded how he is to act and the consequences of that ugly behavior. He can be the sweetest kindness little boy you will ever meet, but he can dig his heels in and be the MOST STUBBORN child I have ever seen, he has been my challenge lately, I pray for patience daily and for guidance on the right way to channel his behavior. Isn't Motherhood wonderful!!! I love being a mother and am very thankful that I am able to be at home with my little blessings, but, some days I wonder how I am going to survive the day:)

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Wendy -- so sorry I am just now reading this!! Mothering can be so rewarding and so hair-pullling-out at the same time. May God give you patience and stamina to live each day!!

I heard that you heard our baby news. I wanted to tell you myself, but I know everyone is excited to share. Hope you guys are doing well!! Look forward to seeing you at Brenda's graduation (right?!).