Friday, December 19, 2008

New Friendship's Made Old Friendship's Renewed

Beth,me and Kristy, We decided when we were (18?) That when we turned 30 we would take a trip and I think we even said a cruise (Right girls?) We were just a year late following thru on our deal but still did it and it was great to spend time with them.

"THE BOYS" Ryder, Isaac, Landon, Jacob, and Aiden. This was the only picture I got with Ryder in it, he wanted to do a funny face too, but he wouldn't stay still long enough to get a good picture.

"THE GIRLS" Outnumbered!! Meagan, Madison and Macie. Meagan and Madison really hit it off and enjoyed there time together on the boat, Macie was as sweet as could be, She amazed me with being able to sleep anywhere and seemed to be able to sleep through anything, what a great baby.

Meagan and Isaac building a sand castle at Castaway Cay (Disney's Island)

Meagan and Madison.

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