Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This was supposed to be our Christmas picture and it may still be!! Jacob was very mad because he wanted to wear his sweatshirt for the picture, so he would not smile or stop crying!!

Formal night.

Leaving the "Golden Mickey's". (very cute show)

Along with crusing with John's whole family we also got to cruise with my two great friends and their families. The kids had great fun and so did the adults.

First day of the cruise, getting ready to depart!!! Yippee!!!!


Dianne Bryden said...

Love the pictures! Makes me want to be somewhere warm!! Glad y'all had a great time.

Anonymous said...

What a great time! I hardly recognize beth and Kristi! How cool that ya'll still keep in touch!

What fun! Merry Christmas and I can't wait to see more!

Lovies, Kara