Saturday, March 8, 2008

My Heart Swells !!!!

Meagan our little go-getter is taking guitar lessons and doing very well (if I do say so myself, but her teacher also agrees!). She is always making up songs and dances and always has new ideas. The other day I was trying to get her to focus on practicing and she said "but, mommy I don't want to practice, I just want to write songs!!!" she then proceeded to sing me a song (about a horse going through the backdoor :) ). Anyhow it was a very cute song and when she was finished she said, "don't you think that sounds like a country song?" I said yes it does but you still need to practice. :) Well, she had guitar lessons today and told her teacher about her goal to be a song writer and that she had written a song and wanted to play it for him, he was very impressed not only with her talent but also with the confidence she has in herself. I was so proud that she wanted to share her song with him and that she has such a confidence in herself not to worry about whether or not he would think that song was good enough. GO GIRL!!! He was also impressed with her creativity and told us we have something to watch in her she has a definite talent.

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